Chitinous Knight
The Chitinous Knight is a giant beetle-themed knight. His arms are a shield and sword, and his armor is a part of his physiology. This project was a fun side project that I did a year prior to taking an organic modelling class. For better practice, I kept the polygon count low intentionally. Total hours worked: 29

Here is a Maya screenshot of the character's rig. This rig enabled me to completely control the pose, animate it, and bring the animations into Unreal Engine 4.
Here is an example, the running animation. My goal was to give the character a sense of weight and power, which was delivered through his shoulder and hip movement.

I used Autodesk Mudbox to model and sculpt a higher resolution mesh. Once that was complete, I retopologized it in Topogun to make a more optimized and performant mesh. The tri count was reduced by 93%