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Steel Mercenary

The Steel Mercenary is a human bandit using armor and weapons stolen from unwary legends he has "bested".  This was a side project I did during winter break of my freshman year (2012) in college.  I didn't finish this project, and thus, after college was over, came back to it to do the rig and create some animations.  Many files were lost as a result of a hard drive issue halfway through school, so he is not completely up to the quality I would like.  Total hours worked: 35

I have this character rigged and ready for animation, although it's not my best rig.  This animation is to show the personality and mindset of the character:

"The Steel Mercenary gives a slow bow. Onlookers see that he is honorable, giving his opponent time to prepare for the fight.

What they don’t see is the knowing grin beneath his helm. He is confident his quarry will not put up a good fight…"

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